The Portland criminal defense attorney to call when you're facing assault and domestic violence charges.
Whether charged with a fight that occurred on the streets, in a bar, or inside your home, assault cases can result in lengthy jail or prison sentences. If the assault involves domestic violence, a conviction could result in mandated treatment costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A court could order an individual to stop drinking. A court could order an individual not to have contact with the alleged victim. A conviction for a crime involving domestic violence could also result in the loss of an individual's right to carry a firearm. That's the bad news.
The good news is that not all is lost when charged with an assault. As we all know, it is rare for a person to strike another person for no good reason. Sometimes, there is a self-defense issue. Sometimes, there is a defense of another person issue. Sometimes there is a defense of property issue. Sometimes, the witnesses really did not get a good view of the situation. And, believe it or not, sometimes, just sometimes, the "victim" makes a false report to 9-1-1.
In order to get the best result possible, a person charged with such a crime should contact an experienced attorney in order to evaluate all of the possibilities.